Dr. Petrescu MATH162 Homework

MATH171: Newton's Method

You can move the initial point.
   Credits to JSXgraph.


Use the example to learn how to write a function. To use trigonometric, logarithmic or exponential function use:
Math.abs(x)     // the absolute value of x
Math.acos(x)    // arc cosine of x
Math.asin(x)    // arc sine of x
Math.atan(x)    // arc tangent of x
Math.cos(x)     // cosine of x
Math.exp(x)     // exponential of x (ex)
Math.log(x)     // log of x base e
Math.pow(a,b)   // a to the power b
Math.sin(x)     // sine of x
Math.sqrt(x)    // square root of x
Math.tan(x)     // tangent of x
Math.E 		    // the constant e
Math.PI 	    // the constant π
Note that trigonometric functions assume that the argument is in radians, not degrees!

xo is the start value. Drag it, in the graph, to change it. 
Initial value x0= 
You may change the function here: f(x) =